healing angles of the energy field

Darlene-Marie Slagle learned how to invite the Healing Angels into her energy sessions at a workshop intensive with Integrated Energy Therapy™ Instructor Karen Puglia in 2010.

Your Healing Angels are always ready to assist you, but they need to be invited.  In the above workshop with Karen Puglia, I learned that prayer is the most powerful way to ask for their help.  Karen taught that the request is a heart to heart energy connection called a "heartlink" that will allow you to receive the Angel's healing gift.  Picture this heartlink as an energy cord that projects vertically from your heart up through your throat, third eye and crown chakra -- connecting your heart with the heart of an Angel.
This connection has allowed Darlene-Marie to work effectively with a variety of the Doreen Virtue™ angel card decks.  Working with the Healing Angels includes a chakra balancing.


Read more about Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) at their official site:

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Darlene-Marie Slagle is not a medical doctor and does not practice medicine. We do not diagnose, heal, cure, prevent or treat disease. We assist people in correcting energetic imbalances in their personal energy fields that assists the body to release its innate healing ability. When the energy of the body is balanced and moving correctly, the body's innate natural energy heals itself. All healing is self-healing. We recommend that clients continue to see their regular medical doctors and follow their advice. Our spiritual energy work is not a substitute for conventional medical diagnosis or treatment for any medical or psychological condition. For such issues, you should seek the proper licensed physician or healthcare professional. Darlene is an ordained Melchizedek Priest and her work is spiritually based and believe all healing is spiritual in nature. We do not make any promises or guarantees about the effectiveness or results of this work.